Windows 7 Hacking Trickes

 Windows 7   Best  Hack Tips 

              You have upgraded to Windows 7, love the new taskbar, and enjoy the power of using the cool Libraries feature.
But now you want more. You want the cool tips and tricks that make Windows 7 fun!
So here are the best ones to help you get the most out of your new OS. In this article, we will focus on the Windows 7 interface to get you started on the road to becoming a Windows 7 Power User. In Part 2, we will be looking at advanced tips for usability, performance, and security.

1. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Using the mouse, you can drag-”˜n-dock windows to either side of the screen, or drag it to the top to maximize it. These keyboard shortcuts are even faster:
  • Win+Left Arrow and Win+Right Arrow dock the window to the left and right side of the screen
  • Win+Up Arrow and Win+Down Arrow maximize and restore/minimize
  • Win+M minimizes everything
  • Alt+UpAlt+Left ArrowAlt+Right Arrow navigate to parent folder, or browse Back and Forward through folders in Explorer
  • Win+Home minimizes/restores all open windows except the active window
  • Alt+Win+# accesses the Jump List of program number ‘#’ on the taskbar

2.Rearrange System Tray Icons

You can rearrange icons on the taskbar as you wish and start new (or switch to running) instances of the first ten taskbar programs using Win+1Win+2, and so on. The cool thing is you can also rearrange system tray icons. Reorder them on the tray or move them outside or back in the tray. Take control of what you want to always keep an eye on, and from which apps you’ll require notifications.

3. Access Jump Lists with the Left Mouse Button

               Jump Lists usually show up when you right-click on a taskbar icon. However, they can also be accessed by holding the left mouse button and dragging upwards. If you’re using a laptop touchpad or a touch screen, this is convenient because you do not have to click any button to access a context menu.

4. Add Any Folder to Favorites


               You can add any library or folder to the Favorites section in Windows Explorer. To add a folder, navigate to it in Explorer, right-click Favorites in the left navigation pane, and select Add current location to Favorites. Now you get quick access to your favorite folders in all File->Save As dialogs!

5. Pin Frequently Used Folders to the Taskbar

            Right-click, drag, and pin your favorite folders to Windows Explorer on the taskbar. They will now show up in the Jump List when you right click on Explorer giving you quick access to your favorite folders.

6. Pin Control Panel to the Taskbar 


                    You cannot pin the Control Panel to the taskbar via the Start Menu or by drag and drop. Open the Control Panel and right-click its taskbar icon to pin it to the taskbar. An advantage of this is that Control Panel’s Jump List allows quick access to recently used functions.


7. Create Keyboard Shortcuts for Programs

                   You can create keyboard shortcuts for any program in Windows 7. Right-click the program icon and select Properties. Select the Shortcut tab, click in Shortcut key, to set the keyboard shortcut for that program.


8. Open Command Prompt in Any Folder

                    Like the command prompt? Miss the “˜Open Command Window Here’ Windows XP power toy? Press “˜Shift’ when right-clicking on a folder to get that option in the context menu. This also works on the desktop. No power toy required!


9. View Expanded ‘Send To’ Menu

                Press Shift when right-clicking on a folder to get an expanded Send To menu.

10. Adjust Screen Text with Clear Type

                Use Clear Type Tuner for the best look on your LCD monitor or laptop screen. Run “˜cttune.exe‘ from the Start Menu search box, or go to the Control Panel Display applet, and select Adjust ClearType Text from the left.

ClearType Tuner

11. Get Exact Colors On Your Screen

                 If you are an artist or you work with colors, use the Calibrate Color option in the Control Panel Display applet or run dccw.exe from the Start Menu search box. You can adjust gamma, brightness, contrast, and color balance, ensuring that colors are displayed correctly on your screen.

12. Customize the Power Button

                            If you restart your computer more often than you shut it down, change the defaultShutdown power button to Restart. Right-click on Start, select Properties, and choose the Power button action that you use the most.


13. Customize Number of Items in Jump Lists & Start Menu

               Right-click Start, select Properties, click Customize and choose the number of recent programs to be shown in the Start Menu and the number of items displayed in Jump Listsfrom the Start Menu Size section below.

14. Search Internet from the Start Menu


                              Enable Internet search from the Start Menu using your default browser. Run GPEDIT.MSCfrom the Start Menu search box to start the Group Policy Editor. In the left pane, go toUser Configuration->Administrative Templates->Start Menu and Taskbar. In the right pane, right-click to Edit and Enable Add Search Internet link to Start Menu.


15. Add Videos to Start Menu

                  Windows 7 does not place a link to your videos on the Start Menu by default. To add a link to your videos on the Start Menu, right-click Start, select Properties, click onCustomize. In the Videos section at the bottom, choose Display as a link.

Add Videos

Windows 7

Tips And Tricks To Speed up windows 7

                               With the launch of windows 7 we have witnessed one of the fastest operating system by Microsoft.But still there are people who want more and more!.This article is for all those people who want to increase the performance/speed of their windows 7 operating system. We are not providing here any softwares for this purpose we are just giving you tips and tricks to tweak your windows 7 according to your needs and you will certainly get your desired performance from your windows 7 operating system.Here is the step by step tutorial with screenshots on how to increase your windows 7 speed .
1.Disable Startup Services
Windows startup services can be found by clicking on start and the and typing “ msconfig ” and pressing enter.Now click on services tab.Now you can disable the unwanted services by checking them and clicking on disable.While this should be done according to your requirements.Services like “Offline Files,” “Tablet PC Input Services,” Terminal Services,” “Fax” and “Windows Search. “Offline Files,” “Tablet PC Input Services,” Terminal Services,” “Fax” and “Windows Search have a large impact on windows 7 speed/performance.
2.Utilize Readyboast
Microsoft introduced readyboast service with the launch of windows vista and continued the service in windows 7.In ready boast service whenever you plugin your pendrive into your computer you will get an option to use your pendrive to speed up your windows 7 or windows vista.It will increase your windows memory.By using ready boast you can also specify how much memory of the pendrive should be used to speed up your windows 7.
3.Disable Windows transparency
Disabling the windows 7 transparency option will certainty give a good speed to your windows 7 speed/performance.Disabling transparency is very easy in windows 7.Simply right-click on your desktop, select “Personalize,” choose the active theme and then navigate to “Windows Color.” Finally, uncheck the “Enable Transparency” option.
4.Remove Unwanted Programs from Startup
Disabling unwanted programs such as messengers or other programs from startup will not only increase speed of your windows 7 it will also decrease the startup time of windows 7.
5.Disable Unwanted Features Of Windows 7
To disable unwanted features from windows 7 click on “ Start “ then on control panel.Now click on “ Programs “ then on “Turn Windows features on or off”.Now disable the features you think you dont want.We recommend you to disable the “ Indexing Service “ it will have a noticeable effect on the speed.
6.Defragment Your Windows Regularly
Adding and deleting files from drives will make your drives fragmented and it will take longer to access files so defragmenting the drive will decrease file access time.To start defragmentation click on “ Start “ and type “ Disk Defragmenter “ And press enter.Now start the defragmentation.

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Hack Administrative Password

 How To Break Administrative Password ?

                            Administrator password can be broken by replacing sam file in system32\config by the sam file in repair folder of windows. it can be easily done on a machine with dual operating systems, simply log on to os other then the one whoes password is to be cracked the way is exactly same as written above but if there is a single os on a machine then there is only one way i.e to use ms dos start up disk or some other boot disk and replace the sam file in config folder with the one in repair folder

note:- this method works only if hard drive is FAT32 formatted because NTFS drive does’nt take boot from Ms DOS

This way you can remove the old administratOr password as if the windows is newly installed and the password was’nt set


How to recover windows password ?

Hack Facebook

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How to Minimize all Non-Working Windows in single click

                                          If you frequently run multiple programs simultaneously, your desktop can get extremely cluttered. This can get annoying if you’re working on one program and want to minimize all the other windows — in previous versions of Windows you had to minimize them individually.

                                With Windows 7′s “shake” feature, though, you can minimize every window except the one in which you’re currently working — in a single step. Click and hold the title bar of the window you want to keep on the desktop; while still holding the title bar, shake it quickly back and forth until all of the other windows minimize to the taskbar. Then let go. To make them return, shake the title bar again.

                            You can accomplish the same thing by pressing the Window key-Home key combination — although doing that is not nearly as much fun.

Windows 7

How to Hide Explorer searches in windows

Note: This tip relies on the Group Policy Editor, which isn’t available in some versions of Windows 7. Thus, this tip will not work if you have the Home Premium, Starter, or Home Basic editions of Windows 7.

Select “Enabled” to protect search privacy.
When you search through your PC from Windows Explorer, you can see the most recent searches that have been performed. If you share a PC and don’t want others to see what you’ve searched for, you can turn off the recent searches feature:
1. In the Start menu’s Search box, type GPEDIT.MSC and press Enter to launch the Group Policy Editor.
2. Go to User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Explorer.
3. Double-click “Turn off display of recent search entries in the Windows Explorer search box” and select Enabled from the screen that appears. Then click OK. The recent searches feature will now be turned off.