Tips for Speed up Youtube.

YouTube Feather Beta-Youtube Accelerator

If you need a faster and a clean YouTube than you will be glad to know that YouTube has released a new design “Feather” beta. This design removes some of the feature from YouTube, making it fast and robust. If your video keeps on buffering then this features will be quite helpful.

Facebook Messages Tips

How to permanently delete a message on Facebook

There is one bad thing in Facebook. It do not want to delete anything from the server. So it has made the deletion work hard. You can not delete your Facebook profile. It also do not allow users to delete messages directly. So it has made an option of archiving messages. So most of the users send Facebook messages to archive in place of deletion. When you open any message on Facebook, you will only see 2 options in front of it. These are "Mark as Unread" and "Archive." So most of the users think that Archive is the way to delete the message. But all the messages which are archived can easily be accessed.

LOIC Dos attacking tool

LOIC Dos attacking tool

LOIC is the popular dos attacking tool. This tool is also known as the main wepon of most (in)famous hacker group anonymous. This group use the modified version of the tool to perform ddos attack. They are also distriuting this tool around the globe and inviting users to join force.

Protect Your Computer from Keyloggers

How to Protect Your Computer from Keyloggers
Keyloggers have been a major problem today as it does not require any prior knowledge of computers to use it. So hackers mainly use keyloggers to steal your passwords, credit card numbers and other confidential data. Below are some methods through which you can protect your computer from keyloggers:

Firewall tricks

How FireWall Works

If you have been using Internet on a regular basis or working in a large company and surf the Internet while you are at work, you must have surely come across the term firewall. You might have also heard of people saying “firewalls protect their computer from web attacks and hackers” or “a certain website has been blocked by firewall in their work place”. If you have ever wondered to know what exactly is this firewall and how it works, here we go. In this post I will try to explain “How firewalls work” in a layman’s terms.

Hard Drive Partitions in Windows

Easy Managing Your Hard Drive Partitions in Windows

Managing your disk partitions now easy using wondershare disk manager.
The following things are easily  done using wondershare disk manager
1.Resize partition wizard
2.create partition
3. delete partition
4.recover partition